Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Getting used to the new home.

This past week has passed in a blur of cold wind, new chocolate bars, and an endless list of other new things. In the beginning of the week, the weather was cold, windy and the rain never seemed to stop. This weather did not slow us down though! We faced the wind and rain and walked the two miles into Spiddal. The walk was well worth it as soon as I had my first bite of the fish and chip special. This fish was by far the best I have ever had. 
The next day, we again, faced the weather and went into Galway.  This time however, we got took a taxi ride. In Galway we walked through the beautiful crowded walkways.  I enjoy walking around town, because it is very different from what I am used to.  Everything is much more crowded here.  The stores are about the size of a walk-in in closet.  I always get the feeling that I am in someone’s way, and usually I am.
Galways is the bigger city of the two towns we are between.  It is a 20-minute taxi ride to Galway and a 20-minute walk to Spiddal.  For every trip we make, into either town, Sydney and I have to stop in a store and get a chocolate bar that we have never seen before. So far, European chocolate has far exceeded even the best of American chocolate.  
Wednesday morning we woke up to an amazing surprise! The sun was shining bright and not a cloud in sight. I spent the afternoon at the rocky beach climbing the rocks and I even found a sea star and a hermit crab.  Sydney and I watched the waves crash on the rocks and explored the little pools for two hours, taking in the fresh air.

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