The program I am a part of here in
Ireland is a little different than other study abroad programs. We are not bases out of a college here in
Ireland and do not take classes with other students. Rather, the 17 of us UNK students live, eat,
sleep, study, and every other part of out daily lives, together. We are housed in four cottages with most of
us sharing rooms with one other person, we are all taking the same four classes
together and we all go on the same field trips, at the same time. This means you don’t have a choice but make
some really great friends.
Part of the
fun and adventure of this semester has been getting to know the people sharing
this experience with me. After arriving
here that first day we quickly started to form new friendships and these ties have
continued to grow every day since then. At this point in the trip you never really
know where people are. For example if
you need to find some one that lives in cottage #3, you probably won’t find
them in cottage #3. They could be in #4
hanging out with that group, or maybe #6 with those people. They could even be in your cottage, because
more than likely; you are in someone else’s. Everyone is welcome to spend an
afternoon in any cottage they feel like spending it in.
At some
point in this trip each of us has felt some varying degree of homesick in our
own way. To counteract these feelings of loneliness we do a lot in groups. If I need to go into town and don’t feel like
walking alone I just go from cottage to cottage until I find someone to walk
with. These friendships I have made with my fellow UNK students here in Ireland
with me are friendships I plan to carry with me for the rest of my life.

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