Friday, March 11, 2016


At first I did not notice too much of a difference in the culture here in Ireland compared to at home.  I did not experience a big culture shock.  However, the longer I stay here the more I am picking up on the differences between the cultures. 
The thing that has been the hardest for me to get used to is how tightly packed everything is.  The cars do drive on the other side of the road, but that is not as strange to see as I thought it would be.  It is, however, very strange how narrow and windy the roads are. They are not wide enough for two buses or large vehicles to cross each other.  One has to pull over to the side of the road so that the other can pass.  There are also no shoulders. The sidewalks start right where the roads end.  I have not gotten used to the feeling of the vehicles zooming by so close.
Restaurants here are also small.  The tables in restaurants are not usually any larger than just a simple square table set for four people.  Also, tipping is not expected and can even be seen as offensive to some.  The only time tips are accepted is if there is a tip jar.
Grocery stores are also very different than what I am used to.  I am used to buying everything in bulk.  Here things do not come in such bulk.  Which is understandable, because people cannot just wheel the cart out to their car, load up their groceries and drive off.  They have to carry everything they buy out of the store and either walk home or to their car, which is usually a ways away. They also do not have plastic bags.  You have to supply your own bag.   When we go shopping we take our book bags and reusable bags.  Book bags are good for carrying the heavy things and allow us to get more at one time. Seeing how the people here work around not having plastic bags has made me realize how much we waste in getting new bags every time we go to stores.

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