growing up in Ireland must learn English and Gaelic. Depending on where you live determines if
your school will teach in English or in Gaelic.
In most of Ireland everything is done in English. Most adults only remember a few phrases of
Gaelic and it is only taught in school as a required subject. In other parts of Ireland, known as the
Gaeltacht Irish is the main language.
When meeting someone on the sidewalk, or a cashier at a store people
speak in Gaelic first, then when they realize we are visitors they switch to
English. The Gaeltachts are used as a
way to preserve the fading Irish culture.
They are found mostly along the west coast. In these Gaeltachts schools are taught
entirely in Gaelic. Kids are punished if
they are heard speaking any English at any time of the school day. English is taught as a subject. Here in Spiddal we are actually in a
Gaeltacht. This means we are able to
hear the Irish language more and see more of the old Irish culture.

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